Posted by Guest Blog
|by Elizabeth Fields, a student at Bob Jones University
The Center for Developmental Services (CDS) gives frequent tours to the community. Some are scheduled group tours, and others are given impromptu as often as needed. Recently, one of their group tours was scheduled through my Early Childhood Education class at Bob Jones University, and I had the opportunity to see this organization first hand. Afterwards, each student was challenged to describe three things we learned or understood better as a result of the field trip, and I chose to share my answers on this blog.
Overall, I was very impressed by CDS. I thought it was interesting to see how many different services they offer and the variety of disabilities that are represented there. Another interesting aspect of the center was that they are not only focused on helping the child, but the whole family as well.
1. As far as what I learned, I now understand how a child’s disability majorly affects the entire family. I’ve always known how hard it is to have a child with a disability, but I never fully understood the amount of pressure and stress that really goes on until watching the video at the center.
2. I understand better how many different disabilities there are and how they each require different treatments, training, or therapy. It was interesting to walk around the center and see the various rooms, machines, and tools that are used to help the children.
3. I also learned that a disability does not define the child. Rather, the child defines their disability. While watching the video, it was amazing to see how the parents would not change anything about their child. They recognized the positive impact their child has had on their lives.